Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker See Mommy Run: First Day of New Preschool

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Day of New Preschool

Today, when I picked up Reilly at his new preschool, he did not want to leave. All a mother can ask for is for someone to love their child and give them the attention they deserve for the 7-8 hrs you leave them in their care. And I believe we got it. Reilly felt comfortable from the moment we walked in, let the director (a male, to boot) carry him to his class (while Joe & I tagged along to drop off his "gear"), was greeted by 3 nice ladies, one of whom immediately grabbed Reilly and started playing with him on the floor. Amazing what these little things do for a child. Reilly was immediately at home and smiling and laughing and playing. I had a good feeling leaving him there, and then felt even more elated when I picked him up tonight. When I walked in, a teacher was still playing with him (Reilly wasn't sitting in front of a t.v.) and he was still having fun!!!!! I know these things seem elementary, dear Watson, but I have first-hand experience that told otherwise. And then I got his glowing report. He ate all his food, was comfortable enough in this new place to take 1.5 hr nap, and played nice with all the other kids. Of course, I didn't need a report to tell me what kind of day Reilly had - I know it sounds arrogant, but I can tell what kind of a day he had from the look on his face. I think you moms understand what I'm talking about. And he smiled, laughed, and kept playing. I actually had to say to him, Reilly, it's time to go now, and even after that he still kept playing as I chatted with the director and gathered up his stuff. Can we say, halelluiah? 180 degrees different than preschool #1. Here's a look at my happy, excited boy when we got home. I am soo grateful that I have one less worry tomorrow. It's been an awfully long, worrisome January, but so far February is looking up!

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